Facts about Bosnia & Herzegovina

The hart shape land a part of Southeast Europe has a long and rich history due to the first artefacts found in Stolac dating from 12000 bc till today. During this time, its borders have changed, people come and went, cities where build and some totally destroyed due to nature or by people.
Mainly all of them have left their traces or some trace. These various traces are making this country so interesting and different. But not only this, but people who lived here and are living still are those shaping Bosnia and Herzegovina with their different knowledge, culture, religion and tradition mixed with all former rulers and authorities through history .

Today Bosnia is a modern country with modern infrastructure, but rich in cultural historical monuments, with a mild Mediterranean climate on its South and mountain climate on its North. This affects the whole soil so one can swim during the summer time on 40C in the Adriatic sea or one of the wild rivers, or climb on much lower temperatures on one of the Olympic mountains.

Key Information

Official name: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), also unofficially Bosnia
Capital: Sarajevo
Official languages: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Writing: Latin and Cyrillic
Location: bordering with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro

Visa policy:
Citizens of the following countries may enter Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a travel document or a valid personal ID card proving identity and nationality for 90 days, no VISA:
- Member States of the European Union
- States Parties to the Schengen Agreement
As well as citizens of:
Andora, Argentina, Australija, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam,
Crna Gora, Čile, Gvatemala, Honduras, Hrvatska, Izrael, Japan,
Kostarika, Republika Koreja, Katar, Kipar, Kuvajt,
Makedonija, Malezija, Malta, Malteški red, Meksiko, Monako,
Nikaragva, Novi Zeland, Panama, Paragvaj, Palestinska Samouprava Salvador,
Singapur, Sveta Stolica, Srbija,
Turska, Tajvan, Narodna Republika Kina Urugvaj i Venecuela
as well as districts of Hong Kong (Narodna republika Kina) i Makao (Narodna Republika Kina). The minimum amount of money needed to hold for foreigners traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina is 150.00 KM (or countervalue in the foreign convertible currency eq. 76,69 EUR) for each day of intentional stay.

Visa requested for citizens of:
Afganistan, Alžir, Angola, Antigva i Barbuda, Armenija, Azerbejdžan, Bahami, Behrein, Bangladeš, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bjelorusija, Bocvana, Bolivija, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Butan, Centralnoafrička Republika, Čad, Dominikanska Republika, Džibuti, Egipat, Ekvador, Ekvatorska Gvineja, Eritreja, Etiopija, Fidži, Filipini, Gabon, Gambija, Gana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Gruzija, Gvajana, Gvineja, Gvineja Bisao, Haiti, Indija, Indonezija,Irak, Iran, Jamajka, Jemen, Jordan, Južnoafrička Republika, Kambodža, Kamerun, Kapo Verde, Kazahstan, Kenija, Kina, Kirgistan, Kiribati, Kolumbija, Komori, Kongo, DR Kongo, DNR Koreja, Kuba, Laos, Lesoto, Libanon, Liberija, Libija, Madagaskar, Malavi, Maldivi, Mali, Maroko, Maršalska Ostrva, Mauricijus, Mauritanija, Mianmar, Mikronezija, Moldavija, Mongolija, Mozambik, Namibija, Nauru, Nepal, Nigerija, Obala Slonovače, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestina, Papua Nova Gvineja, Peru, Ruanda, Samoa, Sao Tome i Principe, Saudijska Arabija, Sejšeli, Senegal, Sijera Leone, Sirija, Solomonski Otoci, Somalija, Sudan, Surinam, Svazilend, Sveta Lucija, Sveti Kristofer i Nevis, Sveti Vincent i Grenadin, Šri Lanka, Tadžikistan, Tajland, Tajvan, Tanzanija, Istočni Timor, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad i Tobago, Tunis, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Arap Emirata, Ukrajina, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vijetnam,Zambija, i Zimbabve.
(Data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs od Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2018).

Coastal length: 24 km
Population: 3.531.159(2013)
Area: 51.209,2 mk2
Coordinate: 44°00′00″N 18°00′00″
Political system of two entities: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Brcko district.
Religions: Islamic, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Jewish, or other faiths.
Currency: BAM (Konvertibel Mark)
International airports: Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla, Banja Luka
Emergency numbers:
International airports: Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla, Banja Luka.

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